Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hillary Polchow, Jessica Parker and Lachandra Lett Discuss Technology in the COE

Hillary Polchow, Jessica Parker and Lachandra Lett
Hillary Polchow, Jessica Parker and Lachandra Lett discuss how technology is used in classes at the University of South Alabama.

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1 comment:

  1. Very interesting that everyone feels the library is almost obsolete. I was in the library this week doing research on scholarships and was unable to read anything and instead was diverted to the computer to look up the information. I decided to look at each room and the occupants within the rooms to see what they where doing and found that most had a hand full of people in them. The places that had 30-40 students in a room had 30-40 students sitting at a computer doing the work. The space for desks and computers was the hardest thing to find in the library, except scholarship information apparently. Amazing to think that a building that huge with that many resources and employees has so few students. Compared to the small computer lab in the college of education, I would say that the lab had at least the same amount of people in it. The lab is about the size of the foyer that houses the stairs and elevators to the building.
    Also, special education is about adapting and overcoming; why then is it that many professors cannot do what we ask students to do and that the professor refers to the student as Disabled?
